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Strong Protest: Withdraw EIA 2020; India Not For Sale; Rahul Gandhi against Dangerous environmental destruction

The new Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020 draft not only does it have the potential to reverse many of the hard fought gains that have been won over the years in the battle to protect our environment, it could potentially unleash widespread environmental destruction and mayhem across India.

The new Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020 draft not only does it have the potential to reverse many of the hard-fought gains that have been won over the years in the battle to protect our environment, but it could also potentially unleash widespread environmental destruction and mayhem across India.

Withdraw Environment Impact Assessment EIA 2020

Withdraw EIA 2020 India Not For Sale; Rahul Gandhi against Dangerous environmental destruction

Rahul gandhi shared on his Facebook page a detailed report on EIA 2020 and how it is dangerous to all the humankind.

Read the post below:

The new Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020 draft which has been placed by the BJP Government for public feedback, is not only disgraceful, it is dangerous. Not only does it have the potential to reverse many of the hard-fought gains that have been won over the years in the battle to protect our environment, but it could also potentially unleash widespread environmental destruction and mayhem across India.

Withdraw EIA Draft 2020: Email Format

Consider this: according to our "Swachh Bharat" propagating Government, if labelled "strategic", highly polluting industries such as coal mining and other mineral mining will no longer require Environmental Impact Assessment. Neither will highways or railway lines passing through dense forests and other eco-sensitive areas, that will result in the massive hacking down of trees, leading to the destruction of habitats of thousands of endangered species.

And then this terrible idea: Environment Impact Assessment can be given post facto! That is, EIA can be done after a project has already destroyed the environment.

This EIA 2020 draft is a disaster. It seeks to silence the voice of communities who will be directly impacted by the environmental degradation it unleashes. I urge every Indian to rise up and protest against it. Our youth, who have always been at the forefront of every battle to protect our environment, must take up this cause and make it their own. A fight to protect our environment cuts across political and ideological beliefs. If nothing else, the recent Covid19 pandemic has shown us how fragile human life is. For millions of Indians, already living on the edge, the environment isn't an abstract term, but a life and livelihood issue. If EIA 2020 is notified by the Government, the long term consequences of the widespread environmental degradation will be catastrophic for us and future generations of Indians.

Raise your voice to Withdraw EIA 2020

Environment Impact Assessment | EIA 2020 India | BJP Government | Swachh Bharat

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