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Nirbhaya case: Convicts' lawyer AP Singh questions victim's character

In this case, justice was delayed as AP Singh did all he could in his means to protect and save his clients. But justice prevailed and the four rapist

In this case, justice was delayed as AP Singh did all he could in his means to protect and save his clients. But justice prevailed and the four rapists met their fate today.

Nirbhaya case, lawyer AP Singh

Nirbhaya case: Convicts' lawyer AP Singh questions victim's character

What AP Singh said in the video

AP Singh is seen clearly in a video saying that Pawan's mother is a handicap and she just wants to meet her child, after all she has borne her child for nine months and you all are dancing around for one mother (Nirbhaya's mother) for over seven years. When he was asked that wasn't Nirbhaya's mother a mother too? To this he said, Should I not ask her mother what the girl was doing with the boy so late at night? It is part of the evidence. I wasn't saying they had a brother-sister relationship or they were out to celebrate rakhi. All I said was that they are friends. Now in their society, boyfriend-girlfriend relation must be praiseworthy, but not in the culture I come from.

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AP Singh | Nirbhaya Case | rapists

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