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Coronavirus: Flipkart announces temporary suspension of services

Flipkart has announced a temporary suspension of its services with immediate effect, following the country-wide lockdown announced by Narendra Modi

India’s leading ecommerce marketplace Flipkart has announced a temporary suspension of its services with immediate effect, following the country-wide lockdown announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday to combat coronavirus.

Flipkart ecommerce website logo, emblem

A message on the Flipkart app said, Hello Fellow Indians, We are temporarily suspending our services. It added, “Your needs have always been our priority, and our promise is that we will be back to serve you as soon as possible.”

The temporary suspension of services seems to be a direct impact of the lockdown announced by the government as it has caused major disruption to the supply chain infrastructure . Movement of goods between places has come to an halt.

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Coronavirus | Flipkart | ecommerce marketplace

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