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Lung cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment & Diagnosis

Lung cancer is a type of ancer that affects the lungs and most often occurs in people with a habit of smoking. Non-small cell lung cancer and small

A type of ancer that affects the lungs and most often occurs in people with a habit of smoking.

Non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer are the two major types of cancer that affect the lungs. The habit of Smoking, chances of second-hand smoking, exposure to certain toxins, and family history can lead to lung cancer.

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Lung cancer/Surgery

Lung cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatment & Diagnosis

Painful cough (often with blood), chest pain, wheezing, and weight loss are the symptoms, usually don't appear until the cancer is advanced, cute illness can lead to death. This why awareness programs such as Anti-Tobacco Day are so important.

Verious treatments available include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, and surgery.

Lung cancerradiation therapytargeted drug therapy

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